Classes continue through December on Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.
at Snap Fitness, 69 East Main Street, upstairs
Multi-level classes appropriate for new beginners
and those with experience.
Cultivate wellness by tending the Earth .. soil & soul
Classes continue through December on Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.
at Snap Fitness, 69 East Main Street, upstairs
Multi-level classes appropriate for new beginners
and those with experience.
Morning Yoga Flow
A new yoga class at the North East Arts Council
beginning Thursday mornings April 6 thru May 25
8 a.m. – 9 a.m.
North East Arts Council members $8/class; guests $10/class
eight weeks .. members $72/guests $56
Salutations to the Sun … Surya Namaskaar
Exploration of Postures .. Asana
integrated breathing practice .. Pranayama
deep rest …. savasana
Deb Phillips RYT500 814.725.4757 [email protected]
The Siberian Express is sharing unwelcome frigid temperatures across much of our country. The geese huddle together and we do the same, sharing our warmth. If you are a part of this challenging weather remember to share your warmth with another, honoring the Light that is in us all. That sharing may be a simple gesture of kindness …. a warm smile, a shoveled path, a cup of soup, a hug. As you offer your warmth you will feel it return …. tenfold.
If you have been thinking about a meditation practice….hmm, thinking about meditating…..and wondering if you want to know more….”10% Happier” by Dan Harris is a good read. Dan is a TV journalist – Nightline, GMA, 20/20 – and he sprinkles this tale of his journey to mindfulness with anecdotes of well-known public figures from broadcast news. His profession provided an opportunity to meet with some of the most respected professionals in the “field” of meditation and spirituality. He may get a bit self-congratulatory but I appreciated this: ” The act of simply feeling the breath breaks the habits of a lifetime. For those short snatches of time when you are focused on the rise and fall of the abdomen or the cool air entering and exiting the nostrils, the ego is muzzled. You are not thinking, you are being mindful – an innate but underused ability we all have, which allows us to be aware without judging.”
The Republic of Tea embraces the ancient Chinese philosophy of Ta shun – the Great Harmony. Ta shun is alive when people naturally care about the world and depend on one another for the well-being of the whole. It manifests itself in collective concern and the aspiration to seek opportunities, initiatives and actions that will better the conditions of both humans and the planet. In short, to provide good works, render goodwill.
Your source for exploring the good life in the Heart of America’s Grape Country, North East Pennsylvania.
wineries, local food, yoga classes, and more
stay tuned for updates!