Feed yourself

As Autumn draws us in allow yourself the gift of nourishment. Welcome the slowing of your movements as the weather requires more attention to negotiate when you are outdoors. More time to dress, more time to clear your path, more time to acknowledge your Breath and to make room for it. It is a time to soften, to focus Energy and Spirit to release into Grace as the Earth around you settles deeply into rest.

Life is offering sufficient challenge, and it stirs the restlessness from another time .. a time of planning, of more certainty. But we are here now, and now is more unknown than our experience has prepared us for. Prana, the Energy of life, can be cultivated and as that connection is bound we are returned to Peace. Practice breathing.

Farming for Fitness is my mantra. Join me at Trolley Line Vineyards LTD for seasonal yoga classes. Outdoors, weather permitting. Saturday mornings 8 a.m. beginning late May 2020

Private yoga classes, and guided vineyard and garden walks by appointment

I welcome you to contact me. I love to share the farm.

[email protected]

Farming for Fitness Yoga

welcome to the farm!


I invite you to join me for yoga on at 8 a.m. Saturday mornings. Classes will be outdoors. There is some shelter from rain and we will adjust to conditions. Our practice will offer the opportunity to connect deeply with the Earth and I welcome you to linger in the sanctuary of Mother Nature. If you linger long enough in the gardens I may find work for you ✌ but I will also encourage you to seek a place for quiet contemplation and rest.

$10/class with labor exchange option – there are always weeds to pull!

please bring a mat and any additional requirements for your comfort

if you have any questions please ask

[email protected] 814.460.5589 814.752.4757


yielding to strengthen and restore

Upavistha Konasana

Seated wide legged forward fold .. sand bags to anchor thighs, securing down into sit bones, a block to support my forehead as I fold slowly toward the Earth. As I soften and yield to the stretch I feel a release from holding on .. from gripping.. in my body .. in my spirit .. and I fold more deeply until my forehead lightly kisses the block and I surrender … and a lightness comes in even as I feel my weight drawing downward.

I release from the fold, and rise, strengthened and restored.

Mid-Winter Yoga

Registration information:

Mid Winter Yoga

Mid Winter Yoga Workshop

Breathe deeply, stretch and strengthen, and relax completely

Saturday February 15, 9:30 a.m. – noon, North East Arts Council, 25 Vine Street

suitable for new and experienced students

Deb Phillips, certified Yoga Instructor

Yoga Classes in North East PA

Classes resume at Super Stitch, 10429 West Main

Mondays, beginning September 9, 5:30 – 6:30

$10 per class, or 8 classes for $70

Multi-level, appropriate for beginners and those with experience


summer yoga at Trolley Line Vineyards


saturday mornings, 8 a.m.

beginning June 22 and concluding August 24

Multi-level Yoga class suited for beginners and those with experience

Class is held outdoors with shelter available for inclement weather

$10/class  please bring a mat

questions? [email protected]   814.725.4757